Omdeva Quotes

  • God is universal truth, love, and morality. Greater than this, there is no God quality, and lesser than this, it is not a God quality.
  • Think many times, then, you may get the truth, but believe in something in your whole lifetime, there you never get the truth.            
  • War is considered a mountain of violence. On the other hand, religion is considered a mountain of peace, but religious war is mere a mountain of nonsense.                      
  • Even the terrible war-cruelty of emperor Ashoka was ended totally one day when he realized the depth of human pain! But, the war-cruelty developed by the religions will never bring that realization at all! This means, even the God cannot stop that cruelty forever. When we all know, God is love and cruelty is Satan, the idea “religious war or cruelty for God” only sounds terribly blasphemous.                    
  • Every Human being suffers more than animal because the human being has an invisible, huge ego-belly. When you don’t have “ego,” then you will suffer very less than animals.
  • Try to introspect every day, and try to respect the greatness.                 
  • Pardoning is a personal option. You can’t connect it with religious way. Religion, on the other hand, is personal as well as social in its structure. Religion tries to curb the number of wicked people in the society by punishing the wrongdoers. The big deficiency of ‘pardoning’ is, it doesn’t assure in the ‘pardoned’ a positive quality change! If a positive quality change comes in the ‘pardoned’, then only that ‘pardoning’ becomes a religious act. Suppose, it didn’t change his quality positively, then it would become an anti-religious act only because it supported the wicked in the society.
  • The ‘thought’ is our preceptor who reasons and brings us the truth, but ‘belief’ is the defector who kills reason and brings us the intellectual death.
  • The sacrifices within the religious books have made all those books sacred, but only the sacrifices within human hearts can make the humans sacred and pure.
  • God is great, no doubt, this is because God has the greatest qualities, but the beliefs and rituals are the least because they impel the people to fight with blind stupidity.
  • God is always the universal Truth, Love, and Morality, and so, we cannot see in God any brutality.
  • Patience is natural to the Great souls, but it is a suffering to the common people. The benefit of patience is that it saves people from misjudgement, which is the cause of any collapse!!
  • We like a cool breeze in the summer season, but not in the winter. This indicates, we only ‘like’ what actually we need! If one’s liking is with Good qualities, one will become a God-like person. If one’s liking is with wicked qualities, then one will become a Satan-like person. This knowledge alone is enough to judge every movement in any religion!
  • Whatever the worldly people do, they only do as a preparation for future enjoyment! On the other hand, Great soul’s life is not the preparation, but to him, it is only the consumption of joyful nectar of that great broad-mind.
  • This human race is not produced by any other relationship except the husband-wife relationship. Moreover, they are the people who bring up the children, but in a different status called parents. If the parents are good, the possibility of their children following their parents’ good qualities is also more. This would make the whole population ‘good’ as well. Because of all these factors, the husband-wife relationship is considered the most important one.
  • Every religion, sect, and spirituality endeavoured for world people, but the world went worse than before! They endeavoured again, but the world still went worse than before! Again, they endeavoured, again the world went worse! In the future, they will endeavour again, will the trend change suddenly to good? When we ask the Atheists the reason for this disaster, they point at the Theists! When we ask Theists the reason, they claim that their Gods already informed about this disaster at the beginning itself!! Then, what is the use of all these endeavours?
  • Misers always live harder than the blind!! This is because they unnaturally feel burns within their stomach whenever they depart with the money. This is similar in the case of religious misers as well. They are trying to take all the mercy of ‘creator God of human beings’ exclusively into their religions, and say that those are in other religions cannot have the God’s mercy and His heaven!!
  • Rich people deposit their richness somewhere in the banks and in some papers, but claim rich, sitting far away in their residences! In the ritual-religion, they follow some mechanical repetitions and claim they are fully religious as well!! The practices for great soul-life are not so, it is like a long treatment, in which he purifies his mind. He diagnoses the ego-virus first and gets ‘introspection’ treatment next. Finally, emerges out with only religious juice without any trouble-creator religious waste.
  • In the forest, we can see millions of trees and plants, but they have neither any relationship among one another nor fight one another! Unfortunately, human beings have thousands of relationships, but they fight thousands of times with those same relationships! Relationships can take a human being to divinity, and the same relationships can take human to devilish acts as well! In the former, the basic thought is “world-family”, but in the latter, the thought is “my family” or “I must be the first in the family”!
  • In the society, generally, the idea “favour” decides the Good and bad qualities of humans, and not the human’s good and bad behaviours!! Favour is one’s kind act, and it cannot be the standard of concluding one’s total behaviour.
  • When life values become one’s mental experience, there we can see the birth of a great soul.
  • The difference between scientists and the great souls is that the scientists increase the happiness of convenience in human life, but the great souls increase the happiness of purity and contentment in human life. Unfortunately, in the absence of the latter happiness, the former cannot work by itself because a tortured mind demands nothing except the peace of mind!!
  • We can see two types of Atheists in this world. Between these two types, one type does not believe in the existence of any god. The other type also does not believe in gods, but the only difference here is that the second type Atheists add an additional phrase, “except our God” with their sentences! In this way, we can see only Atheists in this world! Great souls worship the quality-God, and not any belief and ritual god. So, they can see god in every god. This makes great souls the real Theists. Now it is clear that the only Theists we can see on this planet are the Great souls!!
  • There is a great difference between peace and happiness. Peace is a ‘state’ of mind. It is that mental state where the mind is without the past, present and future imaginations. On the other hand, happiness is the expression of feeling when one gets his desire fulfilled. Peace is a state of mind, so it is common and universal. It never depends on any reason or cause and effect. It won’t vanish by itself unless humans ignore it. Also, it won’t get different shape now and then! Now, happiness is a kind of disturbed state of mind, but that brings that person the feeling of relief and joy. Happiness is not a common type and varies from man to man. This needs a certain reason for its creation and these reasons are innumerable in numbers as well. Happiness is not a constant one. That means the same happiness has the quality of fluctuations. The same happiness may seem in one’s later years as sadness. It can occur both from subject and object sides. For example, when one’s taste decreases on something, then the happiness decreases, and when the object becomes old, then also happiness decreases.
  • Common people crave for happiness and lose their mental peace. On the other hand, Great souls live in a state of peace of mind, and handle the happiness with calculations and ease!
  • The “ego” feeling of a person keeps him always the priority, and makes him blind to his own mistakes! This is why people see the mistakes in others as horrible though they do those mistakes themselves!! In fact, if one wants to blame other’s mistakes, then he must be the person who does not commit such mistakes in his real life. In this perspective, we can guess the sincerity of all ‘allegations’ poured on others on this planet! Like one drunkard mocking another drunkard for his bad drinking habit, we can see in this world such cheats in disguise of truthful people!!
  • Today human beings need only individual freedom. In fact, the sail of the boat of human life needs the wind of hearty love. We can’t get this with individual freedom, but for attaining that we need the only freedom the so-called freedom for sacrifice! Have your individual freedom, but don’t forget the freedom for sacrifice, lest you will lose your happy and safe life.
  • When human being suffers, only then that person becomes introvert. The thoughts of life and death are very alien to common people. Surprisingly, without these minimum philosophical fragments, nobody becomes good at heart. In fact, common people enjoy their life in bits, but suffer painful hits from all sides! This is because they cannot advise themselves like the people who introspect themselves.
  • If we err when we cook, its consumption will be a bitter event. In the same way, if we don’t correct our today’s actions, they will come back with bitter experiences.
  • Parents should take care of their children not to mock or joke others. This is because the ancient sorcery system uses these children or ‘this stage’ for their extreme negative purposes. I already told that the ancient sorcery system uses every stage of human life and collecting different stage’s negative energies from all!! Human beings are still ignorant of these secret activities happening within them! Parents should give freedom to argue for truth and justice, but prevent their children from joking and mocking others.
  • Restlessness reduces the skill. Those who are interested in improving their skill have to search for some means to get rid of this restlessness. Fanatic restlessness is the worst type of restlessness in this world, and that reduces one’s thinking power totally!
  • Speed is not a curse, but when one faces an accident then it becomes a curse. Slowness is not a curse, but when it fails to reach the goal then it becomes the curse. Thus, almost all things appear in these two forms. You always get the blessings and not the curses of events. For this, you need Sathyachintan!
  • Universal love represents the way of God’s love on people. God’s heart contains every human being, but loves only those good people. If anybody argues against this point has to prove whether God loves Satan.
  • There is no value-distance between two zeros, but the ‘life’ which starts from one zero and ends in another has got a great distance between them! Great souls see this distance as yet another zero, so they live with the bliss of contentment and peace. On the other hand, common people give billion-importance to those ‘distances’, but they travel without a penny of contentment and peace until the end! Now, we can clearly realize one point that to get profit in life-business, money and property are incapable, but Great soul’s Sathyachintan alone is capable.
  • Don’t go for correcting anybody. You just provide all ideas to the people. If possible you can inspire by narrating the real merits of the great life. Correcting has one dangerous stage that is to see mistakes in others for that purpose! This can be possible only on those who determined and agreed for that method. This is very uncommon, so never go for correcting anybody. Instead, do mere service to those people who wish to have it from you. The method of correcting oneself is the best method and it is also called by the name introspection. Do this practice, and become a great soul at ease.
  • Hearty love comes from the sacrifice, and this love of heart is absent in egoistic people. The reason is that the ego sense prevents the great feeling of sacrifice! When we speak about sacrifice, one need not remember the alms and donations one has given before. This is because this can be done by any wicked person as well. The real sacrifice is not considering oneself as the first. Its result is, only then his heart starts telling him others also human beings like him. Shun the mind’s idea “I am the first” and go to the heart and see the tears of love there is the best. Love is an animal instinct, but hearty love is the human’s evolved intent.       
  • If anybody in a car tries to give a free lift unknowingly to a person who is on his evening walking to decrease his big belly, will surely and sincerely reject that offer. Here, his ‘purpose’ rejected that offer. This means, at first desire creates the purpose, and later this purpose drags him to all kinds of works needed for that. Now, we should aware of one very important point, and that point is we should be very careful about our selection of purposes or aims in our life, lest we will lose our results. Great souls select peace, contentment, and bliss as their main aims of life, and only try to attain anything according to their merits. On the other hand, common people select money, wealth, position, joy, etc., as their main aims of life. In both cases, there are works and their respective results as well. In the former, it is like a ‘boat with the self-controlling oars’ on the sea, and in the latter, it is like the ‘sailed boat without oars’ on the sea. This sailed boat without oars bound to swing from one place to other, according to the exclusive wishes of the different winds!
  • A cure is everything to a bedridden person. Daily food is everything to a healthy, but an empty-stomach person. A small house is everything to a stomach full, but a homeless person. A big house and a car is everything to a small house owner. Power and status is everything to a big house owner. To get further heights is everything to a rich and influential person. Stopping others ‘rising to his level’ is everything for a most powerful and rich person.
  • In society, most people consider the lower level people as poor and behave accordingly with them. From such type of people, nobody can expect any real love. This is because if you fail and fall down, then you can see such person’s earlier love getting slowly changed into a mild mockery! Money is the love producing machine here, and love is fluctuating like the stock market in these human minds!!
  • We enjoy all the facilities of science only because science allowed the change. If not, maximum, we would have seen very costly bullock cart in front of every house today. In the same way, had religions allowed the change in them, we would have lived today in a heaven-like world that is with full of peace and hearty love. Unfortunately, just like avoiding modern vehicles and arguing firmly for bullock carts, religions and sects are still arguing only for their antiquities, with a firm stand against the change! The ancient sorcery system has been using “belief” as its weapon, and it worked as well! Hatred, violence, bloodshed, all such kinds of devilish feelings and actions they derived from this belief-weapon!! Truth is better than belief. In fact, they are poles to each other. Now, if we need an escape from this ancient sorcery, then we need to do only a small job. The only solution is to accept the great and godly ‘Truth’ in the place of ‘belief’ that has been blindly accepted and followed so far.
  • If you give many bags of sugar to a diabetic patient, it will not help him. In the same way, whatever wealth one possesses will not help that person who mentally suffers in his life. He cannot feel happiness, when his mind suffers in any form. Heaven is in the mind, still, Hell is not outside to find. Now, to enjoy the life, we know, the short way is to control our mind! Again, to control our mind nobody stands against it from outside, and there the villain is our own mind!! Finally, we can realize, successful introspection is a simple solution for this great job.
  • Introspection is also called as an internal Sathyachintan. If we forget this practice, we can’t correct ourselves, and then, naturally, the effect of the external Sathyachintan becomes very weak. Thus, the internal Sathyachintan or introspection is an essential factor for a blissful life of any individual who tries the path of great life.
  • If anybody does the Sathyachintan and Introspection in favour of himself or for somebody’s sake, then that favouring method is absolutely common people’s method. If those practices are done without any kind of inclination, only to find permanent solutions, then that method becomes great souls’ method. One very important point is that arguments based on ‘favours’ cannot stop the repetition of problems until the end! All those who are trying for a great life should remember this fact all the time. Unfortunately, people included their God and religion within this ‘favouring’ type of argument. The result is, though they claimed their God and religion for peace, they hated and fought one another until this day. Where is the sincerity and also truthfulness when they destroy the peace of their own religions? All religions declare ‘cheating’ as a grave sin, but what may be the quantity of sin they might have procured when they cheated their own peace generating religious duty!
  • Justice always goes with truth, but sometimes it goes beyond the considerations of heart. For example, after selling the house, a family, with buyer’s permission, stays one more week in that house. Now, heartless-justice says “you can’t say this ‘sold house’ now as ‘my house’. On the other hand, hearty-justice says “whoever resides in a house can say “my house” until he leaves, and ownership is a different matter.” Great souls stay with hearty-justice because it always brings love and peace. Hearty-justice and hearty-love are the two main factors which make a human a great soul.

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