
Question: Give me one more example to confirm the point that the God is really the great qualities.  Answer: We can select one very easy example for this purpose. We know the Sun. Now, what[…]

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Animal Sacrifice

If ‘God is cruel’, no doubt, He will be very satisfied with the animal sacrifice, and if ‘God is Love’, no doubt, He will not be satisfied with the animal sacrifice at all. We know[…]

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Eternal God and Religion

Eternal means without the end or without the framework, but religions speak about the Gods with individualities, and the religions with boundaries!! So, these cannot be considered the eternal concepts. If anybody speaks about eternal[…]

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Protection of Religion

Nobody can protect any religion in this world because religion is not an object. Besides, God and religion are not anybody’s properties. Again, most of the people say that the God is almighty, so it[…]

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God, Satan, and the Great Soul

We know both God and Satan have power. Unfortunately, influence of devil is more on human beings than God! The best devotee of God also sometimes suffers horribly! With these practical proofs and experiences, we[…]

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